Io Capitano (2023)

‘Io Capitano’ puts a human face on migrant crisis Matteo Garrone’s Oscar-nominated “Io Capitano” could not be more urgent, as the world faces its most dire immigration crisis since World War II. It’s an issue the United States knows all too well, but we are hardly the only nation being overrun by families fleeing war, […]
My Oscar Picks for 2024

‘Oppenheimer’ is at the top of my Oscar picks When stories of dwindling TV ratings upstage news about who actually won Academy Awards, it’s time to shake things up with the annual Oscars telecast. And the academy and its partner, ABC, have responded by … starting the show an hour earlier! That’s it? It’s sort […]
NCFCA Awards (2023)

‘Oppenheimer’ is top pick by North Carolina critics The North Carolina Film Critics Association (NCFCA) is pleased to announce its winners for the 12thannual awards for achievements in film with a record-breaking year. Four films were recognized inmultiple categories; Oppenheimer was honored with 10 awards, Barbie earned five honors, and TheHoldovers and Spider-Man: Across the […]
My Top Ten Movies (2023)

‘Oppenheimer’ tops among best films of 2023 Another year has come and gone at area cineplexes, and it was a transformative 12 months, with movie fans coaxed out of their post-COVID funk by two unstoppable blockbusters, “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer.” The pair, forever known as Barbenheimer, was the talk of the summer, finally luring record crowds […]